Influencer Marketing

How Popup Functionalities Helps in Better Lead Conversions

No matter what type of business you are running, the bottom line is all about making sales and increasing your client base. As far as digital marketing is concerned, there has never been a better time to make the most of your popup potential on your business blog and website. This article will walk you through a number of popup types and we’ll also discuss how they can improve your online conversion rate even better than you imagined.

Popups your website may have


Okay, we all know the typical popup that appears a few seconds after you navigate to a website, they can be rather annoying if they haven’t been optimised correctly. You can find them here. Just to refresh your collective memories, here are the top 5 popups that you need to know about:

  • Timed popups – These will appear after a certain amount of time after you have arrived on the website’s landing page. To be frank, these aren’t everybody’s cup of tea as they can come across as rather invasive and have often caused visitors to move on to the next website on their list.
  • Page scroll popups – These work quite well with website visitors as they start working after your potential customer has scrolled down your page. This shows that they are taking in the content and may be interested to learn more.
  • Click popups – These are also proven methods for conversion potential as they will only appear after the website visitor has clicked on an action based link.
  • On entry popups – When you arrive at a new website and after a short time the screen is overlaid by another page of content, these are on-entry popups. They can cause a bounce and should only be used when it is easy for the visitor to close the popup.
  • Exit popups – Typically these are used to track the visitor before they leave the website and are considered to be one of the least irritating popup. You can use them to offer a free sample or perhaps ask for suggestions.

How certain popups can improve conversions

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  • Exit popups – The best way to do higher conversion rates when using exit popups is by offering your visitors the opportunity to fill out a form for either a demo or a free trial. These are proven to get as much as 10% more lift and are considered to be low risk.
  • Click popups – Although they can be annoying, you can improve conversion with these by actually placing text links within the pop-up offers more information on features that your visitors will be interested in such as pdf files that have more data relating on the subject. If the visitor has initiated an action that forces the popup to appear, it is more likely that they will be interested enough to read more.
  • Time-triggered popups – So long as you do not force these to appear too soon, they are likely to appeal to the visitor. Give them at least 3 minutes, this shows that they have a genuine interest in your website and brand. If you also bear in mind that the higher up the funnel your visitor is, the earlier they should be shown the popup.
  • Mobile popups – If you remember that the mobile user experience is totally different from the desktop version, you should be fine. Try to cut your forms to only a few fields and avoid the use of images as this will increase the download time.
  • Lead sliders – these are another type of popup that a small window popup that simply slides down or up the page. They should also feature an exit button and usually ask a question that will lead to more information, ultimately leading towards a conversion.

How to maximise their potential

Essentially, the popup is here to stay and if you put some thought into their strategy, they can certainly help to increase the all-important conversion rate. By employing them as part of a lead generation strategy, it is possible to not only capture the attention of your visitors but they can also help to build vital lists. With that in mind, here are a few ways to maximise their potential:

  • Lightbox popups – These stand out from the page that is being visited and are usually in the shape of forms that offer various services or products.  These call to actions can be in the form of email lists, social media follow requests and coupon codes.
  • Quiz based popups – These can capture the interest of your visitor whilst offering relevant information and a little light entertainment.
  • Call to actions that work – Asking your visitors to subscribe is all well and good but how do you make sure that this works? Simply by running A/B tests that show you the very best options. You really do need to test these with your audience to find out how they react to your CTA flavours.

So there you have it, by employing popups that actually add value to your website, you will start to see an upturn in your conversion rates sooner than later.

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